Why cyber insurance rates are increasing 

As more businesses seek an additional layer of protection with cyber insurance policies, it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain one that fits the bill. Over the last few years, cyber insurance carriers have been not-so-steadily increasing their rates. But why is that? Let’s take a look at some of the primary reasons cyber insurance […]

Five Tips For Finding A Cyber Insurance Policy That Fits Your Small-Business Budget

Featured in: With a continually evolving threat landscape, small- and medium-sized business owners need to take every precaution possible to keep their doors open in the event of a cybersecurity incident. High on that list is making room in the budget for a cyber insurance policy to help mitigate risk and crippling fees. A new report from Cowbell reveals […]

Understanding how cyber insurance is priced and what you can do to get an accurate quote

Cyber insurance is an indispensable tool for safeguarding businesses of all sizes against the detrimental costs arising from cyber attacks, encompassing data breaches, ransomware incidents, and identity theft. In today’s digital era, where cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and severe, cyber insurance has emerged as an essential component of risk management for businesses — […]

What you really need to know about cyber insurance in 2023

So you’ve decided it’s time to secure a cybersecurity insurance policy for your company — but you’re not sure where to start. With today’s constantly evolving threat landscape and rapidly increasing policy pricing, you’ll want to make sure you’re extra prepared before you start shopping around.  The good news is we’ve got you covered. In […]

Three Reasons Small-Business Owners Need Cyber Insurance

Featured in: Like it or not, cyberattacks are now an expected part of running a business. It’s no longer a matter of if a breach will occur but when. To this end, it’s critical for businesses of all sizes to be prepared—but especially small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), as they have become primary targets for […]

3 Big Misconceptions About Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance is more than just a trending topic. Yet with all the buzz, there remains much uncertainty around it. Let’s take a deep dive into some of the biggest misconceptions and what you really need to know when it comes to purchasing a cyber insurance policy for your business.

Cyber Hygiene: Best Practices in 2023

Hygiene has never been a particularly popular topic — but when it comes to the health of your cybersecurity posture, it’s just one of those things that must be discussed and addressed.

Do Small Businesses Need Cyber Insurance?

No matter the size of your business, cybersecurity events are inevitable. It’s no longer a matter of if something will happen, but when. Moreover, what was once largely a fear for enterprise-level corporations is now a growing concern for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). With the attack surface increasing daily, and bad actors continually inventing […]

How to Measure the Financial Value of Your Cyber Information

Did you know cyber risk impacts every aspect of your business, not just the technology you use to operate? It’s critical to understand how the type and amount of cyber risk you carry can affect your bottom line, especially when it comes to purchasing cybersecurity insurance for your business.  Of course, there’s no shortage of […]

What is Cyber Risk?

In today’s fast-paced world, new technologies and innovations emerge daily, often with the goal of making our lives easier. But with these modern-day conveniences come new security risks that can wreak havoc on individuals and businesses. When it comes to protecting sensitive information, small business owners, who are often already strapped for resources, may experience […]